iPlayTV(Apple TV) Forever 2 watch

This is only avilable on Apple TV and you can use this app to watch your favorite IPTV playlist in the apple TV from Gen 3.

This is  most popular with a smooth interface application for IPTV. We recommend it between all other available apps for Apple TV.



You need install iPlay TV from Apple TV app store. It cost 3.99 USD


App in app store : https://apps.apple.com/app/iplaytv/id1072226801


Then follow this steps:

Time nedded: 8 minutes.

Install IPTV in iPlay TV on Apple TV


1. Select ADD Playlistopen iPlay TV and Select ADD Playlist


2. Choose Xtreame Server


There are three way to add IPTV list: m3u link (Remote playlist fIle),

Downloaded m3u list (Local file) and Xtream server.

we recommend to use Xtream server method which provide

you more feature like EPG and playlist auto update .



3. Enter Xtream server details:


you need enter Xtream server details: Server URL, Username and paasword which provided by your IPTV provider .

You can Extract Xtream server details from m3u link too , Look at FAQs section below.

Note: you need enter a name for playlist , it can be any name (install iptv in this case)


Select Save


4. Channels and VOD loading


in last the playlist ;load channels,VOD and EPG informations.



How to find Xtream code details ?


You can Extract Xtream code information from m3u link. look at this example:


How to Zapping channel list when a channel play ?


you can slide finger from left to right  over remote control to slide zapping channel list.



How to show current channel EPG ?


slide your finger from right to left over remote control.



Tags: IPTV on Apple TV







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